Quite important having some kind of way, making contact to me! That picture is from my former apartment.
First of all, I give my "traditional" snail-mail address. It's:
Olli Arnberg Rautakiskonkuja 5 C 32 02650 Espoo Finland
I'm not totally sure about that zip-code. At least my old was "02600". That might work...
E-mail is much better! It's address is:
Olli Arnberg <oar@arnberg.fi>
Old one works as well
Then my phone-number. The best time to call me is 20h00-03h00. I must admit, it's quite bizarre:
intl + 358 - 9 -5415 068
And then hyper-idiotic thing: links to my www-pages. There are two variants: English one and Finnish one. But you came from there!
All times are Finnish times. That is GMT+2h - and during summer-time GMT+3h.