I do very much e-mails. Really much! Here are some statistics of the thing (You know: a lie, damned lie and statistic (Mark Twain said it)).
You must understand, that these graphs are from totally different time. But okay, no-one looks them as very accurate. Messages out are 11.9 (measured July 14th, 1999) per day; inward 7.5 (measured July 14th, 1999). Quite unbalance!
Times (when I send messages):
At least one can see, when I sleep!!
Then graph of messages out / messages in:
One can explain that first horrible drop by two reasons:
Then, we must study
more incoming mail! That's quite hard, because I must study every
message by hand. So, here are only messages A-M.
But there seems to be a "peak" at lunch-time!
Here aren't any clear
peaks! One can see from it the times, when the message arrives
to me (assuming that delay in the Internet is zero (and it is
quite near of that)).