Diabetics spice cake

Originally this recipe was in "Kotiliesi"-magazine. But then I translated it. And because the recipe was only partial, my mother had to make tests.

(30 slices)

3.5 oz margarine
1 1/3 cups skimmed sourmilk
3.5 oz fructose
2 cups wheat flour (originally yeast bread flour was suggested, but one can't really bake with that stuff)
1 tsp soda or baking powder
1 tsp clove
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp cardamum

Melt the margarine. Mix it with sourmilk.Mix fructose, flour, soda, and spices. Add them to other stuff. Mix it to "smooth". Use a cake mold. Bake for 40 minutes at 350F.

Usually one stores these cakes. But why? This tastes really delicious. If one wants to torture kids, maybe then?

Usually cakes like this are made for Christmas. But why? This is equally delicious in the middle of summer.

Olli Arnberg <oar@arnberg.fi>

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