In the beginning, I must say, that I'm sorry! Because quality of these pictures is really low! I left the focus of the camera to closest possible. And the overall colour of these pictures is quite much yellow. But lights cause that...
Our social security pays this! I have to pay about $20 for this (and the doctor is included). I don't really know the actual cost of this examination. Probably $1000 won't be enough!
First something like a needle into my vein. So one can put
some stuff during the examination. But my veins are extra-hard!
Here it is! It takes really immense amounts
of electric current. Although, there are superconducting coils
and such.
Everything even remotely magnetic should be taken away. For
instance, my pants had metallic zipper: away!
Then I have this "thing" on my head.
That does something (don't ask me, what)...
Into that tunnel. Deep, extremely deep. So,
if one has any kind of claustrophoby (?), this is surely the certain
way to find it out...
And then pictures. You can see me (or, actually,
my ancles). It takes about an hour!