Suomen systeemeissä on kerrassaan valtaisan tavallista äänestää etukäteen. Esimerkiksi näissä eduskuntavaaleissa. En tosiaankaan tiedä tarkkaa osuutta. Mutta jokatapauksessa se on kaksinumeroinen prosenttiluku, ei kuitenkaan puolia. Lauantaina 8.3.2003 yritin itsekin ennakkoäänestystä. Mutta postitoimisto oli jo kiinni! Auki se olisi ollut klo 19-14 ja minä olin liikkeellä 15:30.
Parliamentary election is every four years. Very often (I think, the percentage was about 40% last elections) we vote in them in advance.
Our parliament contains 200 members. 199 come from 14 districts (6-33 reprentatives) and 1 from Åland. We have several parties:
I tried to to vote Saturday (8th
March, 2003), but I was too late. Heavens!
Voi ihan rauhassa
uskoa, etten ollut erikoisemmin onnellinen asiasta! Mutta ei voi
mitään. Kävin sitten alakerrassaolevassa elintarvikeliikkeessä.
Enkä hommannut mitään ihmeellistä sieltä.
Iltalehden ja Høng-homejuuston. Jonka nassutin sitten kokonaan
That voting-place was in local postal office. But (as I
said) that wasn't possible. So, I purchased some evening paper.
And quite delicious Danish bluemold-cheese (it's name was Høng).
And yes, it was really delicious: I ate it right away!
Ja tässäpä
tulimme (isäni ja minä) taas kotiin.
Then we (my father and I) came back home.
Sunnuntaina homma
sitten onnistui!
Ihan ensimmäisenä vaalitoimitsija antoi äänestyslipun.
Then on Sunday I succeeded in voting. I had rather good mood, because Finnish Formula 1 driver (Kimi Räikkönen) was really exceptionally good.
Here I get the voting ballot.
Sitten onkin vuorossa
varsinainen äänestys.
Then to voting booth to do the actual thing.
pitää itse sulkea kirjekuoreen.
The voting procedure is really complicated in this case.
I have to seal my ballot into this envelope.
Ja sitten nimmari
lähetekirjeeseen. Jonka jälkeen kaikki on selvä.
Then this slip contains info, where m y personal ballot
should go! And naturally my signature. And signature of voting
Vaalit olivat sitten sunnuntaina 16.3.2003. Ja KePu menestyi vaaleissa: kammottavaa! Mitä ilmeisimmin heidän puheenjohtastaan tulee ilmeisesti pääministeri.
Äänestysvilkkaus oli 69,6%. Mikä on parempi lukema kuin viimeisellä kerralla.
Our election was held at Sunday March 16th, 2003. Our center party succeeded extremely well. And that is really horrible thing. Last time, they were in government! Ouch, really horrible things. Any other party in government would be much better.
Because origins of that party is in agriculture. One person from Brazil asked how that was possible. Agriculture here? Okay, that's possible with awfully much money.
People were really quite active. The activity was 69,6%. And that number has increased from last time (four years ago). These result (below) are from midnight. And they are very final.
Puolue | Party | Prosenttiosuus Persentage | Eduskuntapaikkoja Seats | Muutos Change |
KePu | This party is at very middle; base was agricultural party | 24,8 | 55 | +7 |
SDP | Socialists | 24,5 | 53 | +2 |
Kok | Consevatives | 18,5 | 40 | -6 |
Vasemmistoliitto | Basicly some kind of communists | 9,9 | 19 | -1 |
Vihreät | Greens | 8,0 | 12 | +3 |
Kristillisdemokraatit | Christians | 5,3 | 7 | -3 |
RKP | Swedish-speaking minority here | 4,6 | 8 | -3 |
Perussuomalaiset | Some kind of ultra-nationalists | 1,6 | 3 | +2 |