Election 1999

Our Parlamentarial Election was help in spring 1999 (okay, it was March (OK (again) I write this when it was still March, but You'll probably read this significantly later)).

Then everywhere was said that electoral behaviour would be really poor. Quite non-existing thing. But hey, they say that before every elections!But today, there were 136400 voters (news in telly said so).

I do always voting beforehand! Quite many people do so here.

I was in gym before my voting.

Then to my post-office, where I can vote easily. She was one of officers doing the thing.

My vote! That white paper! I close it into that brown envelope. Then that envelope and data of me is put into another envelope. Which is closed (by voting officer). Sounds complicated?

Yes it is! But one can make secret voting with that.

Wheels of my wheelchair needed desperately air.

And then my "normal" buyings. Four bottles (1.5 litres each (extremely big)) of CokeLight. And both (we have two of them) of our evening papers.

Driver can handle that easily.

Olli Arnberg <oar@arnberg.fi>

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