Home page of Helmi (the cat)

So, here is a home page for her. Or, more odd would be, if I don't do it!

Helmi was born April 22nd 1991. It's just ordinary cat; although with very good color. It's coat is nearly totally gray; only neck contain a few white hairs. With very good lighting (you need luck, too), you can see mild stripes in her tail and legs.

Earlier it considered stroking as some kind of refined torture. Being in lap is extremely hard torture; nearly unbearable. But now she thinks very wisely: "if some person wants it so much, okay".

A normal day is very simple: the vast majority of time is used to the most important thing: sleeping. Then one must look nasty birds through windows.

You can load really big version of Helmi's face. The picture has been taken on May 19th, 1999.

In weekends one might visit Olli's parent's cat (Nilla). He lives in Uusmäki. Even travels in car are enjoyment! Very unusual for a cat - usually cats scream in cars. But there is a heaven waiting: new plants to eat, catching flies from grass, quite everything...

Training a cat is possible:

a cat knows exactly, when it's bad

- and enjoys every moment of that!

Some pictures from life of Helmi

This is just unbearable torture! But what can one do, if Olli (the monster) wants it!

And one should understand Olli, too. So enormous size leaves brains very small (one can clearly see it). For instance, Olli ,doesn't learn anything. Like shower. Very clearly bad place. But retarded, poor Olli, can't learn even that. Sigh!


One does this in Uusmaki: take a long leash (about ten meters (=30 feet)), attach another end to the middle of garden, and attach another end to cat. Cat just loves it!

Looking miracles in Uusmäki. There are so many...

To have food on has to please Olli. Humiliating, so humiliating! But anything for food!

But finally food comes. Very likely not good food (probably not foie gras).

This thing has caused a lot of trouble. In the beginning I slept between his legs (great thing: security and especially warmth). But he didn't like it: it makes "freedom of movement" limited. We had long negossiations about it. And then, the smarter one moves: now my position is that. We both like it...

Now, in the new place in Rautakiskonkuja I do that nearly every night.
Olli has purchased a new type on lamp. I don't know the type, but I know, that it's broken! Because here is no warmth, only light - and that's clearly just nuisance.

Then Olli has a "warm blanket". It's some kind of wool (yeah, I looked at it's label and it's pure wool) or something. And the surface of it: long pile. And color: gray. It reminds so much mother cat! Enough sucking, and milk must come...

Now we are in the "new place". And I accustomed to it very quickly - Olli was surprised. Olli has feared much worse behavior! Quite surely that adventure when moving in affected...

Then I should explain my typical day. Of course it's mainly sleeping. But there isn't anything so important thing, yes?

The morning starts maybe between ten and eleven. Olli gets up then, eats some breakfast. I look at nasty birds. And curse them. Look at the picture!

Then Olli tries to take some sleep, if possible. I go there, too. Mostly, that he doesn't forget me. Olli eats some quick lunch and goes somewhere (I don't know where, and I don't care). He comes back here at four (I don't know, I sleep).

In the evening Olli watches telly. Then (when there aren't any programs left in the telly) he fiddles with his computers.

I sleep in his bed. But one should be very careful: Olli "the monster" might hit any time. Then his sole purpose of being, is torturing innocent poor cats. But then he goes to bed: at three or four! Quite incredible transformation happens: he turns into mother cat. Zzz...

The spring has finally came. Yippee! The sun warms so beautifully. I tend to sleep here; I call this place "bed"; the ignorant Olli calls it "scanner". When I'm awake, I curse the small birds. Full life!

Those big books are dictionaries. Olli needs them occasionally. Not very often, though!

Helmi jumped to "freedom" on May the 1st. I try to find her desperately!

In May, the 4th, I discovered her! But here was a new cat (Ökö), what a terrible shock!

Helmi seems to be very fed up to that nasty new one. Another picture is there.

Helmi at the Rautakiskonkuja balcony. She looks under a chair - the other cat is there.

The world is so evil place! Quite innocent get-away was punished by Ökö! Now there is no need thinking about if the world is evil or not. Because it is!

Ökö is here, too. She likes to lie in top of bed.

In fact, Helmi is very kind to Ökö. Too kind!

Really idyllic situation! Both my cats in my balcony. Even that little bastard relaxes in some time. You can see another picture in her page.

Another idyllic scene: both cats eating from same plate. But usually Ökö treats Helmi quite badly in these situations! And Helmi just goes away.

On the 4th July, both cats visited Uusmäki. There's a story of it in the Ökö-page.

Here's mosquito-net attached to window. That's really quite lovely thing. So interesting smells come from outside.

One has to have that net. Because both cats have demonstrated quite bad things...

Not many pictures on Helmi lately. Because Ökö has taken the place. But Helmi can easily do tricks...

Basically this is no-no!

Then a story (and very nice pictures) how both cats love to sleep in my bed.

At autumn 2002 Helmi made really great invention. Because this is really excellent place. TV-tube is really nicely warm. And Olli can't easily reach that place.

I took this picture at autumn 2003. This box containing invoices is really favorite place of Helmi.

And she wants to be in very safe place. Olli can't rub her, although she is in very "central" place. Olli works with computers all the time.

This picture was taken at spring 2005. And Helmi looks just the same That grayness isn't mark of old age (usually with humans it is).

If You really want, here are the original picture. But it is 5 218 743 bytes.

Sauna is so nice place to sleep. But there is only one obstacle: door is closed.

But staring to the handle helps. How? Olli lets her in.

I cannot get Helmi in my lap (Ökö wants to be in it). Just going under some table, and she is free. But my father can take her. Okay, Helmi doesn't really love it. But she tolerates it.

Looks just glorious and peaceful. But this picture doesn't have sound. Helmi really screams! But actually why? Because that is just very nice place to lie.

I got her to my lap. Naturally, she didn't like much of it. But what can she do about it? And sdhe realizes that.

I figured out, that I don't have any video about Helmi. The reason is actually very clear and easy: Helmi don't want it.

But look at this picture: actually she looks rather calm and pleased. That Olli rubbing her is really very pleasing thing!

This video isn't really any tiny thing. It's 7 394 022 bytes. You have been warned!

Helmiä vituttaa aika ankarastkiJo on kamalaa!Helmi was queuing to lap of my personal assistant Sini. So, Helmi wasn't very clearly watching. That was obviously huge mistake. 
Helmi looks like real baby.But the real fact isn't that. These pictures are of very special occasions.

Kiweli ulkonaI have thought, that Ökö has the sole rights of being idiot. But now Helmi has done that, too.
She simply forgot to take her tongue in after licking herself. This place is just so cozy.

Helmi looksThis "cat-tree" is really exellent thing. Cats just love to watch out. Maybe there are some birds. Or some squirrels (okay, those are just fancy rats). And sometimes humans eat. And sometimes Olli eats something really nice, like ham. But the most important thing is simply sleeping there.

OOlli on rapsutusetäisyydelläIn winter between years 2008 and 2009 Helmi became much more friendly. Then I could easily rub her. And that isn't actually any bad thing.
That glass says simply "a fart will be here". But cats don't fart: dogs do.

Aika onneton!Really lousy picture. Camera was working without flash. But what happened was really funny. Helmi likes to sit in my shover booth. But I put water on!
Ökö would have presenten very loud protest. He doesn't like water, not a bit. But Helmi is very tolerable.She just go and tolerate it.
Pelottava suihkukaappi8Then Helmi figured out, that she could go from down there. Okay, that would have been possible quite many kilograms ago.

Kamala juttuHelmi has't learned a bit about this very bad place. I had shower (at June 17th, 2009). She went there. Not a good idea, no way.
Then she was totally quiet. Not very good idea. I must say that again. There are two showerheads. When I started to use the other shower. Then I felt her against my back.

SurkeaaAs You can see, she doesn't like much this. Worst thing was clearly was my lap.

KIissannahkasäöhkö on inhottavsasWinter is really awful time for cat.s During the cold season the air becomes extremely dry. And naturally very suitable for static electricity.
So, stroking her, loads her with really high voltage. When that discharges, she gets very painful jolt. And that's not any nice thing.
So, I have to the stroking very carefully. Helmi clearly likes that.

Helmi is dead now! She had some kind of breathing problems. Maybe some kind of tumor, maybe very advanced asthma. And then she had lost a lot of weight.
Then she is very old (19.2 years). Then treating might be very hard, if not impossible. So, we decided, that now "no-treating" would be very best thing. Actually the only treatment would be euthanasia.
Naturally I don't like much of that. But that's would be very best thing for everyone, including Helmi. Actually the vet knew extremely well, what to do.

You can load these:

Lurking in grass:

Resting in a couch:


"Helmi", why that name?

"Helmi", that means "pearl". Good name for a gray cat. But not the correct explanation! I got Helmi, when I graduated. And "Helmi" was the name of the day for the graduation meeting.

Olli Arnberg <oar@arnberg.fi>

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