Ihan ensimmäiseksi tällaista jotain energiajuomaa. Se oin sokeritonta (elikkä käy siis minulle ihan) ja alkoholitonta (ja tällä hoituvat tenavat).
Fathers's day is here at beginning of November - six months from mothers' day. But in USA marketing doesn't want it here! Something like that near Halloween and Thanksgiving! Actually I'm not so sure, but I think...
In the beginning we had something
to drink. But not alcoholic (that wouldn't be very good for kids)
or sugaric (that might be problem for me).
luki omaa kirjaansa. Tosin tuo kirja ei juurikaan edellytä
lukemista, se oli ilmeisesti jonkinlaisia tarrahahmoja.
Tuuli had very special book. Ability
to read is not very required. The book had some kind of sticker
figures. So one can play with them. And Tuuli did that!
auttoi tenaviaan soveliaitten ruoka-annosten kanssa.
My sister Anna made some kind of food-portions for kids.
ensimmäiseksi oli kanasalaatti. Suola oli saatu anjoviksesta.
Ja jonkinlaista patonkia.
In the beginning we had chicken sallad. And I can say, that
came from salty fish!
Mika-isä toimi kuten isät ikään, eli toimi
eräänlaisena isona jätemyllynä, johon sai
upotettua jäjelläolevat salaatit.
Mika did the thing for fathers have to do: he acted as some
kind of waste disposal. Here he destroys rest of the salad.
oli kalkkunarullaa.
Then we had some turkey. Actually that's turkey without
and bones or such.
olivat syömässä ja katsoivat samalla videoita.
Juu, onhan se tietenkin sivistymätöntä. Mutta entäs
Kids were watching videos here. And eating, too! Okay, I
can admit, that this is barbaric. But who cares?
kakkua ynnä kaikenlaisia pikkuleipiä. Ja kyllä
ne olivat hyviä - liiankin! Nimittäin verensokerini
oli aikamoisen korkealla tuon jälkeen.
Then some cake and biscuits. And those were really delicious.
I saw that from my blood-sugar, that was really sky-high. But
I got it quite rapidly down.
Sitten olimme kaikki olohuoneessa.
And here we were at livingroom!