Another Wappu again. You can see the previous one here. Of course I try to make something here, too. Next one isn't so great.
This Wappu was really warm; in fact hot. The weather forecast said, that this Wappu is warmest in ten years. I don't like that, I really sweat in my wheelchair.
Top-temperature was 26.1C and lowest 6.1C. That's so much,
that one can easily pass out and survive!
I arrived there 19:30 (that was
the given time). But there was just no-one (okay, Olli Rinne
was there, naturally).
The whole Otaniemi was really quiet in that time. Everyone was in Helsinki, looking how "Havis Amanda" (a statue near our market-place) got a student-cap. The "normal" students put their caps into their heads then (and we technology-students really look that down).
Earlier that was in midnight. But it was very near a riot.
We eat there steak tartare. Raw (everything is very raw) minced
meat (from steak), capers, pickled cucumbers, chopped onions.
Pepper. And then a raw egg in top of it. Quite much like nasty
Then we have a morning at Ullanlinnanmäki. That thing starts at 9:00. But usually we arrive earlier. This year, there was unusually warm!
One band performing in there is Retuperän WBK. Their interpretation of music is rather "different". Sometimes they even play correctly - but that doesn't last long. Okay, they seem to interest people only in here.
There are speeches and such.
But we don't let that bother us...
I was told, that choir YL (=ylioppilaskunnan laulajat) performed something there. Okay, my friends belong to PK (=polyteknikkojen kuoro), which is better...
They performed some romantic spring-songs. And then some
songs. The announcer said, that it's fun to drink booze listening
Then I found Ari Mujunen from there. Ha wasn't at the
party! At some other party (boring party, he said). Maybe so!
And Taru Maamies
was there, too! She was really very tired in the party last night.
I've left out that really embarrassing pictures!
Helmi has escaped that morning. That didn't gave a good feeling to me. But she did came back! Next Monday!
My parents made so many
things! Very much fish-things: those are quite typical things
to eat in Wappu.
My balcony was very popular
Those glasses made it very warm! And other things made it so popular...
Taru had some "magical
touch" for the balloon: a balloon didn't survive for long...
For instance that big one broke...