From April to May.My webcam looks out all the time.
April 6th, 2000. Spring seems to be very early this year. OK, we haven't had very warm. But not much snow! And now nearly all of it has melted. But that makes longer dog-shit-season. What? Our foreign office don't know such thing. But every friend of mine knows it. Foreign office doesn't talk about it.
It means exactly that! I explain. During winter dogs do quite much shit. Small dogs quite much and big dogs quite enormous amounts. When a warm shit goes to snow, it melts it's way down. There it goes.
Then the snow melts away. Every dog-shit is uncovered now. We have just no leaves to hide them. Not enough warmth for maggots (backteries and worms do the thing) to get rid of them.
Not nice!
Another not so nice thing is dust. During the winter we have to do sanding (to prevent slips or such). Now the sand is there! And when it is removed it gives really much dust. So, if one has asthma, then this isn't good time to come to our country.
Warmest temperature was 6.6C (=43.8F) and coldest -2.6C (=27.3F).
April 12th, 1998. The weather
forecast said, that today we have a snow-storm. I don't say that!
Very little snow anyway (You can see it in the picture). But not
much, no! Highest temperature was 1.3C (above freezing-point!)
and lowest -2.8C. OK, usually we have a little bit warmer in that
Ice thickness is about 0.5m. But not everywhere, there
are places, where there's just no ice (one friend of mine saw
some swans in such). That makes walking on ice very dangerous
thing now!
April 12th, year 2000. Quite pretty weather! Snow is nearly gone. Just because we had quite little amount of snow this year. By the way, You can see the magnificent pine in left side of this picture. I can see it from my kitchen window. Pine is the most important tree here.
The Sun rose at 6:12 and set 20:32. Changes in these times
are really big near spring equinox. And then we moved to the summer-time.
Warmest was 9.7C (=49.4F) and coldest 1.8C (=35.2F).
Thursday. This year it was April 20th, year 2000. No leaves
yet. But that tree has greenish look. Okay, weatherman said that
spring is about one week early.
Those places, which are heavily burdened by floods (mainly Ostrobothnia). We get snow during all winter. Then that snow melts. Making huge amounts of water. This spring is extra-hard. And the top-time is now. Or maybe in next weekend.
I thought, that yesterday was the warmest day of spring. Top
temperature were 18.3C (=64.9F). But today the highest temperature
was 19.5C (=67.1F) and lowest 5.8C (=42.4F).
27th, 2000. Just before Wappu.
And it seems, that we have warm such. In fact, I don't like that
thing! Because during next half years, I perspire all the time.
No fun, I can assure that.
This is willow (Salix).
Actually, that greenness isn't leaves. It's flowers of that tree.
Really quite problematic plant. It really grows well here. But
the tree-material it makes, is no good. Not even as pulp!
Temperatures now! Out max 18.2C (=64.7F), min 7.0C (=44.0F).
In max 25,6C (=78.0F), min 21.7C (=71.0F)
Somewhere it was said, that
spring is late this year. But not anymore! Quite intense heat-wave
came in last Wappu.
Now (that's May 3rd, 1998) the temperature is 23C. And there are
small beginnings of leaves (we call those as 'mouse ears').
May 4th, 2000. Cherries are blossoming so nicely. Those cherries are not for eating. This country is much too northern for really sweet cherries. Of course, there aren't poisonous or something like it. But they are bitter; extremely bitter.
I sent my father to take pictures of them. And I have really bizarre problem: he takes much too good pictures. Six pictures of cherries. And everyone of them really excellent.
Highest temperature was 18.6C (=65.4F) and lowest 5.4F (=31.7F).
May 8th 1999. So cold. But leaves
were coming.
Next day was Mothers day. We
give them traditionally flowers of wood anemones. And they were
blossoming. You can see children of my sister, Tuuli and Pauli.
Mother's day -98 (that's May
the 10th). Very warm day indeed. I didn't made any temperature-measurements,
but You should just trust me. And my wheelchair is so sweaty!
By the way, my house is behind that car-park.
May 10th, 2000. Interesting
to look same day in different years.
Highest temperature was 25.2C (=77.3F). And lowest 7.9C (=46.2F).
Quite big variations!!
May 14th, 1999. Really cold.
Even weather persons admit, that our spring is about two
weeks behind normal time. Highest temperature was 15.6C (60.0F)
and coldest temperature -1.1C (30.0F). Hey, that below
freezing-point of water. Brr!
May 17th, 2000. It
was Wednesday. And typically my physical therapy was in that day.
We had some small rains that day. And today it was really the
first day, when rain smelled like summer!
My kitchen-window is back there. Here is serviceberry (Amelanchier). Fully blossoming.
Max 18.8C (=65.8F) min 4.3C (=39.7F). This was supposed to
be very warm day. But no! Next day was 20.6C (=69.0F).
Situation in May the 18th, 1998.
Not very many days from the previous picture. But everything happens
so rapidly then! The blossoming tree is maple, by the way.
Everything in Celsius-grades! Lowest temperature was 9.9C.
And highest 28.0C. And inside, the lowest was 23.5C and highest
27.9C. I mention these, because I sit in very uncomfortable wheelchair.
Hot time is misery for me, pure torture!
May 27th, 1999. Summer is very
near! Highest temperature was 20.6C (=69.0F) and lowest 8.1C (=46.5F).
May 28th,
2000. The main thing today, was birthday
of my nephew Pauli.
We had really big storm at the day before yesterday. Strong gusts. Usually that thing doesn't happen during spring.
My house is back. And no, it isn't lean. This is my father's impression of artistic impression. I don't think so...
Temperatures: Max 24.6C (=76.2F); Min 8.5C (=47.3F).
May the 30th, 1998. That's quite
important day! Because the schools end in that day. Graduation,
very important thing here.
Lowest temperature was 7.0C. And highest 20.5C (that must be
very incorrect; maybe the Sun shined to the temperature sensor).
No rain that day. Although it was just...