December-MarchMy webcam looks out all the time.
1st December, 1999. We had really had big storm this night. And night before that. But not during the day between them. That's really odd thing!
Highest temperature was 6.4C (=43.5F). And lowest 0.6C (=33.0F).
Our independence day is on 6th
of December (one can see our flag there (blue cross over white
background)). That day is full of hyper-patriotism! I must tell
about the traditions.
We had three quite bitter was during WWII. Hmm, that was 50+ years ago. But still people remembers those things. After those wars we had just none (and hopefully that thing remains so). But our soldiers worked for UN. Very much so.
All the students march in a torchlight procession (at least here in Helsinki). With student-caps on.
The top of everything is the gala by the president. About 2000 people get invitation to there. That invitation is really big honor - very few decline it.
Very often the temperature is extremely low. Or it snows. Or
both of them. No exception now: it snowed quite heavily. Highest
temperature was -3.1C and lowest -5.7C.
Next independence
day, December 6th, 1999. Quite lousy weather. But at this time
of year, it is! Very highly untypical, is I (or anyone else) like
the weather.
We had quite many wars after our independence 1917.
Winter war against Soviet Union started 60 years ago. It lasted 105 days. And Finns had really big casualties. But Soviet Union didn't crush us! Though it was so much overpowered!
Adolf Hitler started his attack very much basing it with our
war. Okay, good deducing! But his soldiers were only Germans...
We (=we normal people) light candles (two candles in each) in windows.
Highest temperature was 3.0C (=37.4F) and lowest 0.2C (=32.3F). Both temperatures are above freezing-point. But we have snow. What, why? The reason is simple. The temperature of ground is below freezing-point. So, we can have snow. And more came in that day, so much more.
We had then very strong winds, nearly storm. My mother and
father made a trip to Germany and the storm was there. Extremely
December 11th. 1999.
The EC summit was here today and yesterday. All people (representatives
and press) attending to that summit saw clearly the reality here.
We had really heavy snowing yesterday. And all that snow melted
away today: rain. Then both days were really extremely
The biggest thing for me was a party arranged to my relatives here.
Then I got bird-feeding-place. Or, in fact, cats did! And they seem to love it!
Highest temperature 4.4C (=39.9F) and lowest -2.5C (=22.5F).
18th, 1999. My bird-feeding-post looks like this. Old houses here
were quite similar.
Yesterday it rained water. It has turned into snow. But it didn't constantly rain (for instance, not now). Wind is rather strong, too. Nearly snow-storm.
Then I did some sort of Christmas card.
Highest temperature was 1.2C (=24.1F) and lowest -1.3C (=29.6F).
There were something like four inches of snow next day.
This is a picture of the most
depressing day here. Shortest day (or is it longest night (I must
ask my astronomy-friend, she knows (and yes, she knew; I don't
give the exact explanation, You'd hardly understand it))). Anyway
it's December the 21st. Winter solstice!
Luckily we have at least some snow. That makes the situation more bearable. Any - even tiny - light reflects from snow (without snow, it's absorbed immediately dark). Without snow, here is really dark.
This snow probably lasts till X-mas. There was a little frost
(maybe a few degrees Celsius below zero). So we have some hope!
Maybe I should make a special pictorial of X-mas
December, 22nd, 1998. This is
really the shortest day here. OK, in whole northern hemisphere
(and longest in southern one; that thing should not be forgotten).
This day was really cold: highest temperature -4.7C (=23.5F)
and lowest -13.1C (=8.4F). And weather broadcasters predicted
quite heavy snowing for Christmas. Romantic!
Picture on January
16th, year 2000. Looks quite awful. And yes, it was just
that. The weather had been quite warm (hmm, over freezing-point,
that is) quite long time. But earth is clearly below freezing.
So, water, which melts down, freezes into ice immediately.
First presidential election was held today. The activity was 73,6% (seems that people are more interested in president than parliament). Two contestants go to next poll: Tarja Halonen and Esko Aho. Now they have hectic three weeks...
Highest temperature was 2.3C (=36.1F) and lowest 0.3C (=32.5F).
Sun gets up at 9:09 and down 15:51. That makes near to eight hours
of day. Not much!
January 25th, 2000.
Quite drastic change in weather. We had extremely warm weather
(okay, not actually warm, bet as for normal temperature in this
time). Then we had a week of really cold. Main problem then is
extreme dryness (for instance, cats are full of electricity).
My skin was really dry! Now we have again warm weather.
Other things happen, too.Seminars start in Otaniemi. This cab is at my entrance-place. Then my bathroom-renovations are nearly ready (they were totally completed in Wednesday). And Pauli, my nephew, had his name day fiesta in Sunday.
Highest temperature was 1.2C (=34.1F) and lowest -17,5C (=0.5F).
Big difference!
Tuesday, January 26th, 1999.
Rather blue. And quite dark picture, too.OK, that darkness is
explained by the fact, that I took the picture between 2 and 3
in the afternoon. And the sun is very near setting then.
Of course, partly it can be explained by clouds and so on.
Temperature was from -9,6C (=14.7F) to -15,7C (=3.7F). Cold!!
Next night was coldest in this century (okay, that's in Lapponia, something like 1500 kilometers to the North from here): -51C (I don't know, what that's in Fahrenheit; but really cold). And next night was even worse: -51.5C. There were long breaks of distribution of electric current. Five to six hours. That makes cold houses...
I had quite cold weather, too: -24.5C (=-13.8F). But temperatures
inside were just OK: max 23.8C (=65.6F) and min 17.7C (=74,8F)
(that seems to be months old). In fact, janitors put much more
oompf to burners.
January 28th, 2000.
I pre-elected today in our presidential election, in it's second
round. The weather forecast has anticipated heavy showing. Actually
that didn't happen. There were an inch snow.
All harbours are normally in ice here. In fact, this is the only such country in world. This has been extremely mild winter, we have about two inches of ice. Normally, we would have something like nine inches of it.
Highest temperature was 1.0C (=33.8F) and lowest -8.5C (=16.7F).
Then the situation in the end
of January. This picture has been taken inside my balcony, because
there was so awful weather! -14.9 degrees! The variation in last
few days hasn't been very big: from -14.3 down to -17 degrees.
Thursday, February the 4th,
1999. That picture seems to be so dark and gray. But that is explained
by heavy snowing then: about one inch per one hour. Janitors must
love it...
That doesn't make any big troubles in traffic, though. Naturally traffic is slower then. But everyone understands that. Though nothing bad happened then. Because our drivers know, what to do then. They have to. And wheels of our cars are specially equipped for winter-driving.
Maximum temperature was 2.3C (=26.1F) and minimum -2.7C (=27.1F).
Above freezing point! But just no melting happens, only quite
nasty ice-layer was formed...Friday
February 6th, 1998. That's the view from my dining-room window.
Birds sit in that tree and Helmi likes to watch them...
This picture is time-wise quite near to previous. I thought, that weather report said, that this day is probably the coldest in the whole winter. No!! Maybe I had some quite vivid dream...
This picture has been taken at 2 PM. The temperature was -14C.
Coldest temperature in that day was -17C. Okay, I admit, that
this was rather cold, but not extremely. Next day the temperature
was -3C.
6th, 2000.We had round 2 in our presidential election. Between
two best ones in first round. Tarja Halonen (socialist)
won Esko Aho (center or maybe representing agriculture).
Weather-gurus had predicted rain for the election day. But no, it didn't happen. Warmest temperature was 3.8C (=38.8F). And coldest -0.9C (=30.3F).
I stare to ground. Very intensively. Ground is very slippery...
Wednesday, February 17th, 1999.
Yesterday we had really heavily snow. Okay, that caused
some minor problems in traffic. But (as I have said so many times)
not anything major.
Janitors have probably quite colorful language. But those having towing trucks or small garages; they smiled broadly: pennies from heaven.
Highest temperature was -.4C (=31.2F) and lowest -8.9C (=15.9F).
Usually, the temperature is very near to freezing-point, when
snowing. I wanted temperatures for Wednesday. But (naturally)
I forgot that. Now, that's temperature from days Wednesday to
This picture is from Friday.
And they have problems with that snow: so extremely much of it.
pretty sight! That might be harmful to trees, but who cares: they
look so beautiful!
clear sky!!
February from 22nd
to 24th, year 2000. We had exceptionally much snow last year.
But not this year: now we had unusually little snow.
Whole February has been very warm (very often above freezing-point of water). Now, when I measured a few days, it got cold.. Okay, that means just no problems here, houses have hyper-thick insulation and we have more clothes when we have to go out.
But everything was so slippery! Our warm season made water of snow. And now it froze...
Highest temperature was -4.6C (=23.7F), and coldest was -16.8C
(=1.7F). Sun rose at 7:39 and set down at 17:30.
Situation at end of February
1999. This picture isn't by my apartment, by the one of my parents.
And You see so extremely much snow. You can see my niece
Pauli. He is small, yes. But not so small!!
By the way, they talked about testing an ice-breaker (the very
best of those are made here, no contest). Ice-thickness of one
meter (little bit more than 3 feet) was easy, very easy thing.
They had to find tougher. And yes, they found: 17 meters (roughly
50 feet!!) of pack ice. And it went through it!
This picture has been taken
on March 11th, 1998. This is very beautiful time (okay, one has
to be in rather warm place). As You can see, the weather is very
beautiful, not even one cloud in the sky. That makes the temperatures
vary quite drastically during the day: highest temperature -3.0C
(in very sheltered places, surely above freezing) and the lowest
March 15th, year
2000- Driver of my cab (Hessu) took this picture. I'm going to
gym. It's once a week, typically on Wednesday afternoon. This
year, there isn't much snow. Bad for janitors, they got payed
for amount of snow!
Highest temperature was 2.8C (=37.0F), and lowest -3.2C (=26.2F).
Spring makes temperatures act like that (quite warm in day-time;
cold at night-time).
March 21st, 2000.
It was spring equinox yesterday. Night and day have exactly the
same length. If we count at the middle of sun. But the calendars
are calculated for the most up tip of sun. So, sun rose at 6:18
and set at 18:38.
Yesterday was exiting day. I was in a traffic accident! Sounds exiting! But, actually. it isn't. A lorry hit to our rear. Just loud thump and that was all. Our relative speeds were so low.
Highest temperature was 9.2C (=48.5F), and lowest 1.0C (=33.5F).
Both temperatures are well above freezing-point. Yet we do have
snow? The reason is quite simple: the earth is rather cold, now.
And snow is really excellent insulator: it stays that way.
March 29th,2000.
Beginning of dog-shit-season. What? Our foreign office don't know
such thing. But every friend of mine knows it. Foreign office
doesn't talk about it.
It means exactly that! I explain. During winter dogs do quite much shit. Small dogs quite much and big dogs quite enormous amounts. When a warm shit goes to snow, it melts it's way down. There it goes.
Then the snow melts away. Every dog-shit is uncovered now. We have just no leaves to hide them. Not enough warmth for maggots (backteries and worms do the thing) to get rid of them.
Not nice!
Highest 5.2C (=41.3F) And lowest -6.4C (=20.3F). Quite much
changes. During the day, it becomes quite warm. Everything melts
down. But here's very cold in night-time. Everything, which is
melted, freezes again!