From June to August. My webcam looks out all the time.
June 2nd, 2000.The weather wss rather rainy. So, You can see rain from this top of garage.
Highest temperature was 16.2C (=66.1F) and lowest 7.1C (=44.2F).
June 10th, 2000.
This from my north-looking window. There's some kind of park and
a pedestrian-only road.
Trees here have now leaves; much leaves.
Weather has been really cold last days. Now we are going to
have slightly warmer temperatures: max 29.7C (=82.2F); min 7.7C
July, 1999. This summer has been really unbearably hot! The number
of extra-hot-days in June was highest in Century. Even other people
find this heat unbearable.
Lots of greenness here. That due to the fact, that we are here in extreme north. We have to every produce quite everything in these few months.
The highest temperature was 36C (=96,8F)(the sensor has been
in been in direct sunlight, because we don't have that big temperatures)
and lowest 14C (=57.2F). At 23:50 the temperature was 21,4C (=70.5F).
We don't have such temperatures, that's really rare thing.
June 13th, 2000.
We were in Tallinn.
Temperatures: max 24.3C (=75.7F); min 8.7C (=47.6F).
June 21st, 2000.
I was at Uusmäki.
Kids got a nice tent there! Here wed have really nice bush of
Burnett Rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia).
Summer equinox! Longest day in the whole Northern hemisphere. Or shortest night. Actually, we don't have any real night here; only some sort of dusk.
Then temperatures. We had for a long time of very cold weather.
But then there was a change: I'm not happy! I'm writing this after
midnight - and still heavily perspiring. Okay, the temperature
in is 26.0C (=78.9F). Way too much! Then temperatures out. Max
31.8C (=89.2F); Min 14.8C (=58.6F).
23rd, 2000. See my midsummer-pages.
Actually You should notice, what isn't here: cars. Nearly
everyone is somewhere. So, city is really extremely peaceful.
Temperatures: Max 27.6C (=81.6F); min 14.4C (=57.9F).
July 9th, 2000. This
bush is jasmine. And no, not for tea. I had a small cruise
today. Weather was really pretty good: not too warm, but nut too
cold, either.
Max 20.2C (=68.3F): Min 12.3C (=54.1F).
Long time since my last picture:
now is July the 13th. Highest temperature was 26.9C and lowest
15.3C. We had very big rain in the morning and I thought, it rains
at least a day or two. No! This picture is takes at 19:00. No
clouds, no nothing!
We had very strong thunderstorms last weekend. Maybe this rain
was some kind of "afterglow" of them...
July 25th, 1999.
We had really windy day. The wind is really near storm (quite
mild storms here, anyway). This summer has been really exceptionally
hot one. And I don't like it, I really hate hot weather.
Highest temperature was 28.3C (=82,0F) and lowest 14.5C (=52.1F).
July 26th, 2000.
'Jaakonpäivä' (=day of Jacob) was yesterday. That's
the day when Jaakko throws a cold stone to lakes. That means a
day when swimming-water is getting colder (and it's never
very warm here).
The picture looks very dark? Yes! Because the picture was taken
at 10PM. I was just visiting here from Käpylä.
August 7th, 2000.
Okay, now is summer. But feeling (mostly colors (much darker green)
of leaves) of autumn is extremely strong. Yesterday I was in Uusmäki.
Tomorrow in my gym.
Then temperatures. Outside max 24.2C (=75.5F), min 11,1C (=51,9F).
Inside max 27.0C (=80.6F), min 24.9C (=76.8F). Humidity here in
is max 56%, min 39%. That humidity changes strongly. I figured
it: I was in a shower.
August 12th, 1998. This is what
I see from my northern window. This picture has been taken at
5PM. Then the temperature was roughly 16C. Highest temperature
in that day was 17.7C and lowest 9.2C.
Maybe some kind of pre-autumn is coming - the color of these trees, that isn't so good anymore.
Our meteorological institute has made a long time-scale forecast
- one for the whole summer. and it predicted quite warm weather.
I was worried, I don't like hot weather (this wheelchair gets
so sweaty thing then). No worries! Because that forecast was quite
From August 16th
to August 20th, 2000. All trees are full of rowanberries. Birds
love it!
It rained during that time, not in that day, but nearly in every other. Usually the rains were thunder-storm showers: not very long lasting. But then extremely much rain comes.
Now is near to end of "rotten month". Humidity is really quite high. So everything molds extremely easily.
Temperatures: Max 24.6C (=76.2F); Min 9.8C (=49.6F).
August 22nd, 1999.
Hmph, what I should actually say. I be in Käpylä
during weeks. I must do quite everything during weekends. So,
my sleeping-time is really short. But weather was really
good for me: not too warm.
Highest temperature was 22.6C (=72.6F). And lowest 8.6C (=47.4F).
You can see an admiral
butterfly (Vanessa atalanta). It doesn't normally live
here. But it comes here near autumn.
August 24th, 2000.
Now one can really see rowanberries. Really many of them, and
they are quite big. Venetian
blinds were installed to my livin-room.
Next day I was in Uusmäki.
Temperatues: Max: 17.8C (=64.0F); Min 8.8C (=47.8F).
August 27th, 2000.
Mika Häkkinen won Belgian Grand Prix in F1.
Then temperatures: Max 23.5C (=74.3F); min 8.1C (=46.5F).