Health issues
You can see that this page is quite "raw" - but on the other
way, I don't
hope much changes! There are some changes coming! My treatments are
moved to
Jorvi hospital. Okay, I understand why: treating in university hospital
much more expensive than in "normal" one. But I have
some doubts
My main problems:
- You can see from my picture, that I'm paralyzed. It
happened on the end of May -90. The whole thing was a bit weird. Anyway
my right side is mostly paralyzed. Normally, I'm treated in Pitäjänmäki. Now I have some modifications to my wheelchair. Then new walker.
- Then I have rehabilition in about once an year.
- Käpylän kuntutuskeskus
- Kankaanpään kuntoutuskeskus
- Synapsia
- Invalidiliiton Lahden sopeutumisvalmennuskeskus
- HopeaKuu
- Diabetes. I got it in summer -75 (quite long time ago, eh).
It requires insulinium (type I, You know). Today I've got an insulinium
pump. Here You can see the Meilahti hospital (or, actually, quite small
part of it). It's really very best hospital: maybe
2-3 hospitals in USA and 2-3 hospitals in Europe outranks it. But then
it comes... Pedicure
is really important thing in diabetes! Then I have pictures from year 2006.
then 2007.
Retina photography is
- My new electric
Then something about MRI
done to
me. Then another
at spring 2009.
Olli Arnberg <>
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