This was supposed to be a story of one trip to city. But no, this grew and grew! Okay, here You can enter to several trips to city:
winter-time I visit Helsinki city. Sometimes even once a week!
Our post has made such philately center or such. And why not? If they sell a stamp and no service is claimed, then they get quite good income.
I bought some (no, not some, quite many actually) stamps
for letters.
Forward, next place.
Candystore. This has quite many things.
Chocolate, I just love that.
But I've got diabetes! Okay, that's problem. But I use diabetic
versions (no sugar). Someone said, that low fat would be
more important thing. I don't know...
To the bookstore. This is the
"back entrance", but just good for me...
I just love the
atmosphere of a bookstore!
Then my cab fetches me. That
man just looks strange wheelchair.
When I say, that I go to "Akateeminen kirjakauppa" -bookstore, I go actually to the department store nearby. Finally, I end up to there. But not very early.
Entrance to the department store. To the "new side". Okay, actually, that isn't so new thing! Here everything begins.
Fist I go to the pet department.
I wanted to buy a new harness to Ökö. But they haven't.
So, I bought some toys to both of my cats.
Then some candies!
I really like chocolate!
Then some special-tea. Something
"different" from precvious ones. For instance I had
something like autumn-tea or something.
I want to have special cheeses
with my new tea. Usually those smell quite strongly...
Then sausage. This is salami-sausage
made of reindeer. There has to be pork, too (for simply fat).
There's a tunnel between
store and bookstore. And there are several ATMs, too.
That bookstore is developed by Alvar Aalto. High art! But not very easy to move for me!
By the way, that's really big bookstore. I think, second biggest in world.
I was really quite tired after
that. But that doesn't happen every week.
This is my first time to go city after my big surgery. So, that's pretty important, I don't want to be in my flat all the time.
Department-store "Stockmann". That's some kind of Harrods of Helsinki. But here's nearly everything! Really many videos there. But I wanted to purchase something in DVD-format. That was the last Bond-movie: "Tomorrow Never Dies". |
Main reason for my visit there was finding birthday-present to my sister's son Pauli. Something near swimming... Seems, that Babe-stuff is "in" now. Okay, there was stuff from "Lion King II", too. |
Hey, now is only May! And they do those things now. Exiremely early, I think. |
I was rather tired after that trip. Okay, part of that could be explained with my extremely high blood-sugar. But only small part...
I was doing a trip, just very near to my place. My inkjet needs a col.our cartridge. I always buy them from my local PC supplier (PCSuperStore). I don't know, if that place is so cheap. But there are quite certainly. There were so many cartridges. Nearly for every printer had own ones. So, I have the old cartridge with me - as model. |
Magazines. But they were nearly allways PC ones. And then I pay everything. With my ATM-card. Those cards are extremely common here. |
Now is June 30th, 1999. I had been yesterday fixing my digital camera. It seemed to have problems with batteries. And I cursed department store, which sold batteries... But the actual problem wasn't there!
So, again there! And You can see, it was really hot weather.
Such weather I really hate. Hate!
Then to the service.
Or not actually service, because the camera is actually changed
quite totally. One can just wonder that service. But digital cameras
are really very marginal thing in Agfa.
I needed a stuffed big envelope. And there were such
in the post office. Great thing!!
Our postal rates got quite a raise in the beginning
of July (from 3.00 to 3.50). There are stamp-type which represents
50 grams first-class letter. Great buy!!
Here are some
of those stamps. And I bought quite many of them: 100 pieces of
these and 10 (every booklet has 8 stamps) booklets of the puppystamps.